
Last In / First Out

Niccolo' Maria Moronato


Last in / First out, 2017, pencil on invoice copy paper.
Last In / First Out is a stock management accounting method, by which the last piece that comes into stock is the first to come out. On a duplicate receipt block, I noted the pieces of conversations around me, completing them with other phrases or thoughts. Then I let words accumulate on the copying paper of the block, opening up a field for new thoughts to emerge without any necessary logic, in a purely evocative way. I brought this process into a semi-intimate space – a porter’s lodge in an almost-abandoned baroque building in Milan. People coming to visit the art show upstairs would walk through the entry space feeling puzzled about its function and role. Their interactions with Mauro the doorman were then duly noted.

In the things we say, hear or think all day hides the seed of something deeper, more mysterious and intimate. This process exists to bring it to light. 

Last in / First out, 2017, pencil on invoice copy paper.
Last In / First Out is a stock management accounting method, by which the last piece that comes into stock is the first to come out. On a duplicate receipt block, I noted the pieces of conversations around me, completing them with other phrases or thoughts. Then I let words accumulate on the copying paper of the block, opening up a field for new thoughts to emerge without any necessary logic, in a purely evocative way. I brought this process into a semi-intimate space – a porter’s lodge in an almost-abandoned baroque building in Milan. People coming to visit the art show upstairs would walk through the entry space feeling puzzled about its function and role. Their verbal interactions with Mauro the doorman were duly noted on a receipt, of which they'd get a copy. 

In the things we say, hear or think all day hides the seed of something deeper, more mysterious and intimate. This process exists to bring it to light.